"Kniha ku knihe sadá
Slovo za slovom plynie
A myšlienky sa tešia
Že sa majú s čím hrať."
22.1.2015, Plzeň, doma
"Book to book
Word to word
And the thoughts rejoice
that they have a playground."
22 Jan 2015, Pilsen, at home
Takto začalo a vlastne aj dodnes pokračuje KataStrophae Publishing. Amatérska tvorba, ktorá je ďaleko od dokonalosti, ale výrazne bližšie k autentickému a obnaženému tvoreniu v okamihu.
Knihy KataStrophae Publishing sú ponukou spoluprežívať rôzne momenty z mojich ciest so sebou, Životom a Zemou. Možnosťou užiť si každý z nich naplno a po svojom. This is how KataStrophae Publishing started and continues to these days. Freetime creativity, which is far from perfection, but much closer to authentic and unplanned soaking into and creating in the moment.
The books of KataStrophae Publishing are an offer to share various life and travel moments, encounters with Life and the Earth. An opportunity to enjoy them to the fullest your own way. |
Prečo KataStrophae? Kata som ja, Katarína Kabáth. Strofa je kúsok poézie. Strophy by bolo asi v angličtine. Ale pretože by som rada vytvárala priestor pre možnosť chybovať a byť nedokonalými, Strophae sa mi javí príhodnejšie. Pokiaľ viem, nie je to správny tvar ani v latine. Naviac KataStrophae... katastrofa... ... možno nie každá katastrofa je skutočne katastrofou. Trochu ľahkosti do vážnosti slov naokolo nie je na škodu. Why KataStrophae? Kata is me, Katarína Kabáth. Strophae is a bit of poetry. Strophy would be more correct in English. However, I would like to open up the space for making mistakes and ne imperfect, Strophae seems to be better. As far as I know, it is not correct even in Latin as singular. Moreover KataStrophae... a disaster... ...maybe not all catastrophes are really a disaster. Some lightness into the seriousness of the surrounding words can be great. |
Často sa stretávam s "tajnými" spisovateľmi poézie aj prózy, ktorí majú svoje riadky už roky v šuflíkoch, alebo vo svojich myšlienkach. Žijú obvykle s pocitom, že tie ich riadky sú nedokonalé, a kto by ich tak asi chcel vidieť či čítať. A tak ich nikomu neukazujú. Schované perlorodky a aj ich príbehy. Ste takou skrytou perlorodkou alebo nejakú poznáte? KataStrophae Publishing sa snaží byť aj priestorom pre publikovanie vašich príbehov a ciest životom, možnosťou vytiahnuť zo šuflíkov stolov či duší svoje skryté riadky...
I often meet "secret" writers of fiction and poetry, who have their lines hidden in their drawers or heads only for years. Living with the feeling that their lines are imperfect and who would be interested to see or read them. And so they never show them to anyone. Hidden pearl oysters and their stories. Are you such a pearl oyster or do you know one? KataStrophae Publishing could become the space for publishing your stories and journey through and with life, an opportunity to get your hidden lines from those drawer and souls...